This week we have been working on research and the presentations for our group projects. I have found myself struggling with this because when given a topic and broad as "the environment" and not really being allowed to take a stance on it has proven difficult. My group decided to take the stance of human impact on the environment, which helped narrow down research but it is still challenging. I want to be able to discuss both sides of positive and negative impacts but it's pretty clear that almost all human impacts are harmful to the environment. Is anyone else struggling with research?
I'm probably overthinking it but I'm also finding it difficult to know in what order I want to present my information.

I am glad that we got to pick our topics because at least I can talk about something that I'm interested in. Learning more statistics about the environment and our impact has been really interesting. It's just crazy to think that humans have been evolving the earth since homo sapiens walked the earth. Our impact has become only more and more dangerous and harmful to the environment and in turn, to ourselves.
I wish that we were doing more to help the environment. The other day I was getting food and the guy in front of me was offered a free reusable bag and refused and grabbed a plastic bag instead! I understand the convenience of a plastic bag but when you are offered an alternative I think that is the perfect opportunity to do something to help the environment. Cutting down on our use of plastic is such a huge help because so much of it ends up in our oceans and in other animals' habitats.
Definitely something to think about next time you go to grab a plastic bag.
I'm probably overthinking it but I'm also finding it difficult to know in what order I want to present my information.

I am glad that we got to pick our topics because at least I can talk about something that I'm interested in. Learning more statistics about the environment and our impact has been really interesting. It's just crazy to think that humans have been evolving the earth since homo sapiens walked the earth. Our impact has become only more and more dangerous and harmful to the environment and in turn, to ourselves.
I wish that we were doing more to help the environment. The other day I was getting food and the guy in front of me was offered a free reusable bag and refused and grabbed a plastic bag instead! I understand the convenience of a plastic bag but when you are offered an alternative I think that is the perfect opportunity to do something to help the environment. Cutting down on our use of plastic is such a huge help because so much of it ends up in our oceans and in other animals' habitats.
Definitely something to think about next time you go to grab a plastic bag.
Yes I definitely agree that if we cut down some of the things we do in the our world than we can be making the environment a better place for all the citizens. I mean during using things less will make a big change. I feel like the little things people just push to the back burner because it is a small effect but really it helps the world is so many different ways. I also want to say that us having these specific topics really made me think of things differently in the world and maybe to pay attention to a lot of different things in our environment and stop just doing the things that you thing doesn't matter when they really do.