Week 3 Blog 
       In class we have had many discussion on  rhetoric the the different definitions that define this word. In my opinion rhetoric can be a positive or a negative thing. On the positive side it could be an art, practice or study. On the negative side rhetoric could be used for deceit or manipulation.   

      For the first couple of weeks we were instructed to write an essay based on the question if  everyone had a responsibility to society even lobbyist like Nick Naylor. In my opinion, I believe people like Nick Naylor and other public speakers have no responsibility to society, but a responsibility to themselves. I feel as if their responsibility is to satisfy their own needs and wants. Many public speakers whether they are politicians, newspaper reporters, or lobbyist tend to love their jobs and what they do. If lying and over-stretching the truth is what they choose to do, then so be it, that is their own personal choice.There are many different cultures within society, and with different cultures comes different morals. Some morals are based off of religion, so who are we to state what is morally correct and what is not. Lying and manipulating because it is your jobs is absolutely justified, because people do it every day, so why punish the people who just simply do it for their job. 

      The only responsibility anyone had is to their selves and children. Everyone should do what makes them happy within the law. Everyone’s morals are not that same, and no one has the right to judge what another person does. On a daily basis a person can lie, and no one would care but when you lie for your job it is problem. Freedom of speech is a law that everyone has to respect. No one has the right to judge another because they believe different. 


  1. I do agree that it is your own responsibility to worry what goes on in your own life. I definitely agree with also is that you should be able to say whatever. Freedom of speech is a law and you should be able to say whatever, but I also think there are certain things you say at certain moments. Yes people like on a daily basis but you don't also have to be like everyone else either. I feel like you should always want to present your job in the best way possible because that is why they hired you in the first place so you should know what to say and what to do and make your business look good.

  2. I see where you're coming from when you say that people have an obligation to themselves and not society because in our world many people only care about themselves. It's all about what they can do and if it will benefit them. However, I believe that these people d0 have an obligation to society, especially when they are in powerful positions that can influence people's behavior. People who report news absolutely have a responsibility to the people to report accurate information. Without this accurate information how are the people supposed to trust any new source? They are being hired to give out information, as a consumer you want to be able to trust what you're hearing. It would be like buying a product but having the business lie about what is in the product, to me it is ethically wrong.

  3. I totally agree with about everything you said. Everybody has their own life to worry about. Problems arise when people try and worry and mind other peoples business. I also think that people do lie and manipulate you everyday whether they're your friends or family. So like you said why be mad and want to punish people that are higher in power. I think people have to do research their self so they do not fall victim to lies. But to expect people to always be truthful or want to help you is never going to happen.

  4. I do agree with what you had to say. I do think people have a responsibility not only to society but also to themselves like you said. I also think that if you are in a higher position, like in the news industry, then you should be telling the public the real truth. I know that's probably never going to happen in our society, so it is up to yourself to try and research certain things to find out the real truth and educate yourself.


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